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Commendation letter
發布時間:2016-11-21    瀏覽次數:1196    發布者:H&J (Group) Corporation

Prior to this, the manager of the project team of Fu Sha Pian Tan went to the Yibin Second People's Hospital inspection team in Sichuan province and learned that the CRC Lu Qianqian of the center was well received by researchers and institutional teachers, and he affirmed and commended Lu Qianqian's work.

Lu Qianqian is a CRC who just entered in January this year. The Yibin center has a heavy workload and a heavy workload. It needs CRC to run back and forth in two regular hospitals. Lu Qian Qian has been working conscientiously and conscientiously under the guidance of a teaching teacher. He has worked hard and worked hard at weekends. He often takes the initiative to work overtime on weekends and chooses the random work of the subjects. Night time helps researchers write medical records. When they are busy, they can not afford to take lunch breaks. Under the heavy workload of the group, in March, the task of 11 participants in the project was completed by the researchers and the project team.

Lu Qianqian's new work attitude and spirit is worthy of our study and has played a good exemplary role. We commend it here, and we hope that we will persevere in this attitude and make greater achievements in ordinary jobs.

District Manager: Hu Yao