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In order to complete the task ahead of time, CRC still work hard on the weekend

(H&J News, Dec. 02, 2018)On Dec. 02 most people in China were enjoying the relaxation and comfort of the weekend, while many CRCs in our company continue to stick to their posts at the weekend. Their common goal is to promote the progress of the project. They also have loved ones, parents, children, and hope to accompany their families on weekends. But because of work, they volunteered to work and do not claim overtime pay from the company. This kind of ownership is worthy of our praise and learning! Love work and be fully committed, only in this way, self-development, team development and company development can be achieved.

Location: Panyu District Central Hospital of people: Wang Qiong

Feature: Working overtime to sort out the medical records of ibuprofen project

Location: Persons from the First Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University: Wang Jun and Lin Xin

Feature: Collect the data of the respondents in the center

Location: Guangzhou   ;Character: Tan Mingfang

Feature: collating materials for the Special Australia Project

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