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H&J signed a teaching cooperation agreement with Taishan Medical University

(H&J news, December 2018 04))in December 7th, Wang Decai, Dean of the school of pharmacy, and Qin Bin, Secretary of nursing school, Taishan Medical University and other four leaders came to H&J.  


President Meng treated President Wang and Secretary Qin Bin. Accompanied by the president Meng, Taishan Medical University leaders visited the office of Dacheng International and Yanjiao, viewed the company's development history, and held discussions with some employees of the company on the training of drug clinical trial talents. President Meng welcomed the leaders of Taishan Medical University to the company's inspection and guidance. Everyone spoke freely and discussed the training of talents in clinical trials. Director Wang Yanni introduced the data Department, and President Wang was very interested in it.


President Wang and Secretary Qin Bin respectively introduced the development of Taishan Medical University and School of pharmacy and nursing, and gave full recognition to the development of H&J Company. President Wang pointed out that H&J was an early entry into the pharmaceutical clinical trial industry. At present, the company has great potential for development. Taishan Medical University has great prospects for cooperation with H&J.


Finally, under the testimony of everyone, President Wang and President Meng signed a teaching cooperation agreement to jointly train specialized talents in clinical trials.